Here's Gracie waiting for the doctor to see her.
We were waiting a while so I first put on her shoes so
she could explore. Then, I thought she might be getting cold
in just her diaper so we put on her jacket. And then just for fun,
I put on her bear hat. It was quite a hit with the doctor and the staff.
Gracie had her 15-month well visit on Wednesday morning. Prior to going in, I was worried that she was on the small side. And it was confirmed when they told us she was in the 30th percentile for weight at only 21 pounds, 13.5 ounces. She's just under 50th percentile for height (30.5 inches) and head circumference (45.8 cm). I don't understand it. She eats a ton! But we need to work on getting her weight up so it's full-fat everything for her and Carnation Instant Breakfast mixed in with her milk every morning. The doctor said she wasn't too worried about it especially considering how active Gracie is. She started walking in her 10th month and now she just runs everywhere. She's always climbing onto everything including the little chairs she and Sadie share in their play area. (Those were taken away immediately.) She's generally happy and silly. And she's just talking up a storm.
I was watching Sadie and Gracie play the other day and I remembered being very pregnant with Gracie and thinking how it would be great for Sadie to have a play buddy. And now she has one in Gracie! It's really wonderful how much they miss each other when they're apart and how they look forward to seeing each other in the mornings. And I can just imagine that it'll get better as Gracie gets better at keeping up with her big sis.