Saturday, April 18, 2009

My darling daughter

Sadie's first gelato experience on
Valentine's Day 2009. She, of course, loved it.

I can't believe how much Sadie's grown. She's just so big, it's crazy. Sometimes I wonder what happened to my little baby. She must be around here somewhere. Sadie is just at that age where she's starting to "talk" a lot and learning new words every day. Her favorite word is "uh-oh," as in "Look Mom! I just dropped three Cheerios on the floor. Uh-oh!" I love her so much and worry about her constantly. It's amazing how one little person can make such a huge difference in one's life. Eric and I get such a kick out of her. She's the spitting image of him... her eyebrow pattern, curly hair, love for sweets. It's amazing. I hope she ends up with his quick wit, athleticism and moral character.

A new addition

Eric, Sadie and I just before leaving the hospital
on Feb. 3, 2008. Sadie was just two days old.

I contemplated starting a blog when my daughter Sadie was born in early 2008, but I didn't think I'd have time to actually write much. I wish I had done it, even if it just turned out to be a few posts here and there. So now, with baby number two on the way, I'm determined to try it. It's really a blog for me because my memory has gotten so bad, but I hope you enjoy reading about the daily happenings in my life too.