Saturday, January 30, 2010

Gracie at 4 months

Gracie turned 4 months old on January 22. She's such a big girl now. Her stats: 25 inches tall, 14 pounds and 11 ounces and a head circumference of 41.4 cm. The doctor says she looks perfect except for her flat head. We may go and see someone about getting her a helmet. Eric and I don't want to and we'll only do it if it's effecting her face. She'll probably grow out of it and nobody will notice it at all once she gets some hair.

Just yesterday I tickled her and she giggled. And then she kept doing it. It was great! She has also started to stick her hands in her mouth. Drool city! But the doctor says she isn't officially teething yet. And the herky-jerky movements have begun as well. It's so funny to watch.

She's doing wonderful at school. She sleeps more than Sadie did while at school. Sadie would come home from school having slept 30 minutes total some days. She was just a social butterfly and didn't want to miss anything. Gracie will sleep for hours. And all of a sudden, she's one of the oldest kids in her classroom.

Gracie just loves her sister. She lights up when she sees her. It just warms my heart to witness that. Please, please! I just want them to be close as they grow older.

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